Braces or Invisalign?

Braces or Invisalign? Choosing the Right Path to Your Dream Smile

July 1, 2022

Braces are one of the most important treatments in dentistry. After a visit with an orthodontist in Franklin, TN, you fix misaligned, overcrowded, or crooked teeth, improve your bite, and improve your smile’s physical appearance.

However, as with any orthodontic treatment, braces can also be expensive. That’s why, after the initial appointment, taking care of them is crucial to prevent any incidents, avoid unexpected, costly repairs, and, more importantly, ensure the effectiveness of your treatment.

Here are some tips to achieve that.

Foods to Avoid According to a Orthodontist in Franklin Tn

7 Tips for Taking Care of Your Braces

Braces are an excellent way to fix crooked teeth, achieve a straighter smile, and improve oral health. However, they require diligent care and maintenance to navigate the treatment period with ease, deal with any discomfort or trouble that emerges swiftly, and prevent accidents.

Here are some professional tips for achieving that.

1. Maintaining Oral Hygiene

Maintaining oral hygiene is crucial to prevent plaque buildup, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. However, braces bring some added trouble to your mouth’s cleaning routine. Food can become lodged in the brackets and wires, and flossing is harder when a metal wire extends across all your teeth.

Getting a toothbrush with soft bristles and a small head may be a good idea to reach every area. Additionally, an interdental brush helps reach specific specs around the brackets and in between the teeth.

When it comes to cleaning in-between your teeth, special orthodontic flossers are designed to make this process easier. If it’s still too hard, water flossers can help remove debris by shooting a small stream of water into any crevice.

Whatever tools you choose, finding a routine you can follow daily is important. So, think about what better adapts to your day-to-day life and go for it.

2. Avoiding Certain Foods

To maintain the smooth progress of your treatment, you should avoid eating certain foods that could damage your braces. For instance:

  • Nuts, popcorn, hard candies, raw fruits and vegetables, and other hard foods can break the brackets and wires.
  • Chewing gum and caramel can stick to your braces and make cleaning them more challenging.
  • Sugary foods and drinks increase the risk of tooth decay.
  • Acidic foods and drinks can erode your teeth’s enamel and cause stains around the brackets.

Instead, choose foods like yogurt, fruits, steamed vegetables, and pasta that are soft and easy to chew with braces. Cutting raw veggies into small pieces can help you eat them more easily without the risk of damaging your orthodontia.

3. Managing Discomfort

Feeling a little uncomfortable when you first get braces and after adjustments is normal. You can also lessen the pain and reduce swelling by applying a cold compress to the outside of your mouth.

Another way to reduce braces-related discomfort is to use orthodontic wax. This wax can smooth out and lessen friction between the brackets and wires that irritate your lips and the insides of your cheeks.

If the pain persists and starts causing sores, consult your orthodontist for further advice. They might suggest over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to alleviate the pain or schedule an appointment to make potential adjustments.

4. Regular Orthodontic Visits

Regular visits to your orthodontist are essential for monitoring the progress of your treatment. Skipping them can cause delays and lead to complications, so make sure to follow them.

During your appointment, your orthodontist will check the alignment of your teeth, verify that the movement is going as it should, and check that you’re maintaining good oral hygiene.

If they see any plaque buildup, they may suggest a professional cleaning. Then, they will make the needed adjustments so that your braces continue working.  

You can also use this instance to raise any remaining concerns you have and gain valuable advice on how to keep caring for your braces.

5. Dealing with Emergencies

Despite being uncommon, orthodontic emergencies can happen.

A broken wire or bracket can be very painful and will interfere with the treatment. If that occurs, use a cotton swab to carefully move the wire back into position. Then, cover the sharp end of the wire with orthodontic wax until you can see your orthodontist.

If you notice any loose bands or brackets, notify your orthodontist immediately. They will schedule an appointment and fix it. If the pain you’re experiencing is excruciating, get professional assistance immediately.

Do not attempt to resolve these problems on your own. Careless handling may further damage your braces and interrupt your treatment.  

Orthodontist in Franklin Tn Recommends Using a Mouthguard

6. Using Protective Gear  

To prevent damage from sports-related injuries, you should wear a mouthguard. This is especially crucial when teens get orthodontia. In the event of an impact, they serve as a cushion, shielding both your mouth's soft tissues and the brackets and wires.

Even if your sport is non-contact, getting one may be a wise precaution, as you could fall accidentally or suffer a collision. If you’re in doubt, simply let your orthodontist know. They‘ll suggest the appropriate protective equipment and design a protective mouthguard that’s comfortable and custom-fitted to your mouth.    

7. Monitoring Your Diet

Eating a balanced diet is essential to keeping your braces functioning properly. Foods high in calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus support strong, healthy teeth, which is important because it affects how quickly our teeth move.

Leafy greens, fish, dairy products, and nuts are good sources of these nutrients. Drinking lots of water throughout the day to help wash away bacteria and food particles also maintains a healthy oral environment.  

Tips for Caring for Braces From an Orthodontist in Franklin Tn

Ready to See an Orthodontist in Franklin, TN?

Many patients find orthodontic treatments uncomfortable. Making teeth shift isn’t easy, and the constant pressure can cause discomfort and even irritate the soft tissue of your mouth. And if that’s not enough, getting braces is a long-term treatment, lasting around two years.

However, the end results are worth it, not only for the aesthetically pleasing look of an aligned smile but also for the health benefits that it brings. If you’re interested in learning more about your braces and their benefits, schedule an appointment!

Here at Happy Harpeth, we’re eager to hear more about your situation.

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Braces or Invisalign? Choosing the Right Path to Your Dream Smile

July 1, 2022

July 23, 2024