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Dos and Don’ts in Pediatric Dentistry: What Treatments Should a Child Never Get?

December 1, 2022

If your kid suffers from a toothache, you’ll probably take them to a pediatric dentist in Smyrna, TN, for a check-up. However, as the saying goes, sometimes the remedy is worse than the illness. Although effective, certain treatments aren’t designed for a child’s mouth and may lead to some unwanted side effects.

Here are some treatments that aren’t recommended for children.

Pediatric Dentist in Smyrna TN Explains Dental Cleanings

Dental Treatments That Should Never Be Performed on Children

When it comes to pediatric dentistry, ensuring that young patients receive the appropriate and safe treatments is crucial. While many dental procedures are necessary to keep a kid’s teeth healthy, some may be too risky or invasive for their young, developing bodies.

Here are some dental procedures that are best avoided in children's care and why.

1. Teeth Whitening Treatments

Children's teeth are still developing, and the enamel is more porous than an adult’s. Treatments for teeth whitening, which frequently contain potent bleaching agents, may cause gum irritation, enamel damage, and increased sensitivity.

For this reason, it is advisable to not get any cosmetic teeth whitening treatments until after the child's teeth have completely developed. Instead, you can help them preserve their natural whiteness by promoting good oral hygiene and a balanced diet.

2. Dental Veneers

Veneers are custom-made shells that fit over the front surfaces of teeth to improve appearance and create a beautiful smile. To be placed, a thin layer of enamel must be removed from the tooth surface, and because of this process, veneers are considered irreversible.  

While a treatment like veneers is okay for adults wanting to improve the look of their smiles, it’s not recommended for children, as their teeth are still growing and changing. Placing veneers too soon can cause issues such as a crooked bite and an increase in cavities.

Instead, your child may benefit more from dental bonding. This aesthetic solution is less intrusive and can be easily adjusted as the child grows.

3. Permanent Dental Implants

Children are not good candidates for permanent dental implants because their jaws and facial bones are still growing. Implants placed too soon may disrupt the bone's normal growth process and cause more serious problems later on.  

You can use temporary solutions, like space maintainers or removable partial dentures, until the child's jaw develops completely.  

4. Aggressive Tooth Extraction

Extracting teeth should only be done when absolutely necessary, especially with baby teeth. Early extraction can result in misalignment and the eventual need for more involved orthodontic procedures.  

Dentists should concentrate on keeping baby teeth in place until they are ready to fall out on their own whenever possible. If extraction is unavoidable, using space maintainers can help prevent misalignment.

5. Extensive Orthodontic Treatments

We all know orthodontic treatments aren’t harmful to children. In fact, dentists recommend getting these treatments while you’re young. However, extended orthodontic treatments need to be handled cautiously. If these treatments begin too early, the child may require longer recovery periods.  

Moreover, the underlying cause of their misalignment may not even be addressed as they continue to grow and their mouths change alongside them. Instead, teeth can be guided with less intensive intervention if the child's development is monitored and interceptive orthodontics is used when necessary.

Every option must be carefully considered.

What Treatments Can a Pediatric Dentist in Smyrna TN Offer

Common And Safe Treatments Children Can Undergo

Pediatric dentistry requires a careful approach that considers the ongoing development of a child’s teeth and jaw. While certain treatments may seem beneficial in the short term, they can pose risks that outweigh the benefits when applied too early.  

However, that doesn’t mean there’s no need to visit the dentist. Here are some of the most common procedures conducted in children and why they can benefit from these treatments.  

1. Regular Dental Check-Ups

You’ll want to take your child to their first dental appointment once their first tooth erupts or around their first birthday. During this initial check-up, we can monitor the healthy development of their teeth and, most importantly, their jaw and bite. We can also offer some dietary tips and check for any early cavities caused by sipping milk.

Moreover, your child will be less likely to experience fear or anxiety about dental visits once they start from a young age.

2. Tooth Decay and Cavity Extraction

Sometimes, stereotypes paint a failed image of reality. However, when it comes to children and cavities, they’re spot on. Due to their common sweet tooth and a lack of understanding of the importance of proper hygiene, children are very prone to cavities.

Tooth decay isn’t too serious as long as it’s identified and treated in its early stages. We can easily catch decay in its early stages and provide the appropriate treatment plan when you bring your child to their regular dental check-ups.

3. Dental Cleanings

Professional dental cleanings help prevent gum disease and cavities by removing plaque and tartar buildup. Children need just as many dental cleanings as adults—one every six months. They can begin their regular dental cleanings at the age of two.

Additionally, dentists may administer fluoride treatments to strengthen growing teeth and prevent decay.

What Treatments a Pediatric Dentist in Smyrna TN Will Never Do

Learn What a Pediatric Dentist in Smyrna, TN, Can Do for Your Child

While a kid’s mouth is still growing, interrupting the body’s natural development can lead to some serious consequences. Because of that, dentists should only provide non-invasive treatments for children. Pediatric treatments should be easily reverted or at least develop alongside kids as they grow.

Generally, we encourage parents to look at cosmetic treatments for their children with doubt. The goal of pediatric dentistry should be to foster a kid’s natural growth, not to worry about their appearance. Once they’re adults, they can undergo any cosmetic treatment they desire without the risk of it hampering their future oral health.

Parents and caregivers should consult their go-to pediatric dentist in Smyrna, TN, to ensure whether certain treatments are appropriate for the child’s age and development stage. Here at Happy Harpeth, we always prioritize treatments that support long-term oral health and avoid those that could cause harm as the child grows. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can safely make your child’s smile healthier, reach out!

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Dos and Don’ts in Pediatric Dentistry: What Treatments Should a Child Never Get?

December 1, 2022

August 22, 2024